AGWSR Community Schools - Class of 2025 

Students don't delay. Start your "Profile" today.

Helpful tips to make applying easier!

1. Go to

2. Click on the "Students & Parents" tab at the top far right.

3. Click on "Click to Login".

4. You must create a Student Login using your e-mail address and a password. Make sure that your password is something you can remember and write it down in a safe place. We highly recommend adjusting your spam/junk mail account to accept emails from our email account: and/or  Essential reminders, deadlines, and announcement emails will be sent from these two email addresses. Note that the name of the person sending the email may be from anyone on our AGWSR Dollars for Scholars Board. If we see a problem with your application, we will use these emails to communicate with you. 


TIP: Do not use your assigned personal school email address, as you will not have access to this email after graduation.

TIP: If you ever forget which email you usedDO NOT create a new account, click on the gray support tab or use forgot my password.

TIP: SENIORS: Under "Additional Info" - Make sure your Current Grade Level is "Senior in High School " and Year Expected Graduation from High School is "2025".

5.  Once Step 4 is completed, you will receive an e-mail which will allow you to begin your Profile that will contain all the info for applying for scholarships from AGWSR Dollars for Scholars and the National Dollars for Scholars awarded via Scholarship America.

6.  Click on the Basic Info tab.

7.   All items marked with asterisks (**) are required. All others are optional but may be important for additional scholarship opportunities beyond those awarded by our local chapter. As you complete a section the bars on the left will change from red (not started) to yellow (partially completed) to green (completed). 

8.  Any place you see a blue bubble with a question mark (?) in it, you can scroll over it and an explanation about the item will appear, e.g., "Legal First Name" will state: "As it appears on your Social Security Card"

9.  At the bottom of each section there are 2 buttons: (1) "Save and Continue" which will save your info and allow you to proceed to another section or (2) "Save and Go to Dashboard" which saves your information then takes you back to the dashboard and will allow you to see the progress you have made in each section.

  1. If at any point you have questions about your application, you will see a grey box at the bottom of corner of the page "? Support". Leave detailed information about your issue and they are very good at responding within 24 hours. 

10.  Notes on specific sections:

  • Documents:  No. We do not use this for our scholarships.
  • Parents/Financial Info: No. We do not need this for our scholarships.
  • Unusual Circumstances: No. We do not use this for our scholorships. 
  • Custom Question: You must complete this section. Our chapter requires applicants to participate in a face-to-face interview. This is meant to create a real-word experience and will be held by professionals within our local communities.  
  • Essay: Our chapter uses the essay titled "Goals and Aspirations"TIP: You can write your essay in a Word Document, then copy and paste it to the box. Here is the question: Describe your long and short-term educational and career goals. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? 

TIP: This section gives credit to students for planning their education and career in a thorough and logical manner. We will be looking for a progression of activities or steps into the future. Extra weight will be given to clear, concise, and complete statements of goals rather than general philosophical statements. Avoid vague & incomplete answers. Your essay does not have a word-limit, avoid the fluff and be direct.                                                                                                                                                

  • Reference: TIP: Do this right away. TODAY! Our chapter requires you to have a reference. There is a button, "Add Reference Info" for you to click. For this part, we prefer you use an adult outside of the school, a supervisor or boss, youth leader, someone who is a reliable adult. Please do not use a family member.    TIP: You are responsible for making sure your selected reference completes this section. 
  • Transcript: TIP: Do this at the end of December. You are required to have your counselor send your transcript at the close of first semester. When you click on the "Add Counselor/Registrar Information" button, a box will appear for you to fill out the information. TIP: Be sure you use the correct email for your counselor. AGWSR School Counselor: 
  • Class Rank/GPA: You are responsible for completing this section..
  • Test Scores: No. We do not use this for our scholarships.
  • Activities: It is very important you be as specific as you can. Include everything you participated in for   9th-12th grades only. (You may include work and high school activities and sports beginning with the summer before your 9th grade year) TIP: If you have a Silver Cord, list that FIRST. Each activity you had for Silver Cord will need to be listed separately, also. 

TIP: Include all school and non-school related extracurricular activities such as athletics, clubs and organizations, volunteer, church/religious, community, and music/theater/arts activities in this section. 

TIP: Once you have entered an activity, click "Save" and Add Another activity until you have completed all your activities.

TIP:When completely done with all activities, click "Save".

TIP: Once your application has been completed, don't forget to click the "Apply" button.

Be sure to go to the sections "My Scholarships" regularly and frequently because scholarships are continuously being added as we receive donations. 


(click on button below to create your login)